Tag Archives: music

Monster Truck – Power of the People

Sometimes we all just need a swift kick in the ass.

Monster Truck is finally back in action, releasing their first (of hopefully many) album Furiosity. Due to my excitement, I pounded a fist to my chest and crushed a beer can on my forehead. WHOA \m/


The rush you get when you hear a wicked guitar riff, that hard pounding drum beat, mixed with Jon Harvey’s soulful gritty style of singing; Monster Truck is here to do one thing and one thing only…Kick some ass!


Dresses – Blew My Mind


Don’t let the forecast put you down guys! It’s Friday..and this is what i’m listening to this morning.

This Portland based duo, simply known as Dresses, composed of Timothy Heller and Jared Ryan Maldonado put together pop inspired musical melodies that you can’t help but smile from their enthusiasm.  If you enjoyed “Blew My Mind”, make sure to check out “Sun Shy”, which brings another array of pop inspired sing alongs.  Can’t wait to listen to more from Dresses.

Searching for new music can be a little tiresome, but stick to it and I promise you the reward is well worth it =)
