Monthly Archives: May 2013

Monster Truck – Power of the People

Sometimes we all just need a swift kick in the ass.

Monster Truck is finally back in action, releasing their first (of hopefully many) album Furiosity. Due to my excitement, I pounded a fist to my chest and crushed a beer can on my forehead. WHOA \m/


The rush you get when you hear a wicked guitar riff, that hard pounding drum beat, mixed with Jon Harvey’s soulful gritty style of singing; Monster Truck is here to do one thing and one thing only…Kick some ass!


Vance Joy – Riptide


It’s time to start a new adventure, time to find new opportunities that this world has to offer. If not for me, then do it for yourself please, because lets face it; new adventures are awesome.  Here’s a fantastic new song from Vance Joy to start off that journey…

Walk, run, jog, ride or cartwheel your way through life, cause if you stand still, everything else around you will keep moving.  A soundtrack for your adventures isn’t the worst idea either.

“What you do for yourself, you’re doing for others, and what you do you for others, you’re doing for yourself” – Pema Chodron Start Where You Are


Jon Hopkins – Open Eye Signal

When Coldplay released their album Viva La Vida in 2008, their first track “Life in Technicolor” featured a unconventional, yet beautiful instrumental in the beginning 30 seconds.  I was convinced that Coldplay outdid themselves again, reinventing their sound for another album.  To my surprise, that instrumental was performed by an artist named Jon Hopkins who helped co-produce Viva la Vida with guru-producer Brian Eno.

hopkins, jon 001

Now with his fourth studio album entitled “Immunity”, set to release on May 28th, Jon has yet again put together an array of bass infused, strobe setting, ambient sounds that make his music so unique.  This his first single “Open Eye Signal”…

I have yet to listen to all of Immnuty, though I am sure to post another one of Jon’s classic very soon. (Fingers crossed for him to work with Coldplay again)


Dresses – Blew My Mind


Don’t let the forecast put you down guys! It’s Friday..and this is what i’m listening to this morning.

This Portland based duo, simply known as Dresses, composed of Timothy Heller and Jared Ryan Maldonado put together pop inspired musical melodies that you can’t help but smile from their enthusiasm.  If you enjoyed “Blew My Mind”, make sure to check out “Sun Shy”, which brings another array of pop inspired sing alongs.  Can’t wait to listen to more from Dresses.

Searching for new music can be a little tiresome, but stick to it and I promise you the reward is well worth it =)


Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros – Better Days


With classics such as “Home”, “Man on Fire” & “40 Day Dream”, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros are back with another self titled album, which will be released on July 23rd.  Another summer with Edward Sharpe is music to my ears =)

“It’s the rawest, most liberated, most rambunctious stuff we’ve done” – Alex Ebert (Front man for the Zeros).  Can’t wait to hear the rest of the album, what do you guys think?


Golden Youth – We Are Alive

Finding new music is always a win, but finding new music that reminds you of other sounds you already love isn’t too bad either.

I’ve never heard of California based band Golden Youth till this morning (thanks to @kristine8D). With their single “We Are Alive”, I couldn’t help but compare their music to the sounds of Jónsi (lead singer of Icelandic band Sigur Ros) and is his solo projects. Don’t get me wrong, being compared to Jónsi is already a feat in and of itself , but with its pounding drum beats, echoing melody and springy keys in “We Are Alive”, you can definitely hear the influential sounds of Jónsi in Golden Youth‘s music.

Golden Youth 3

I for one am pro…well…I don’t even know which genre to classify this music too.  Oh well, let’s just called it genre “awesome”

Make sure to grab Golden Youth‘s debut album Quiet Frame; Golden Light out May 28th


Rah Rah – Prairie Girl

Stars, Broken Social Scene, Sam Roberts, Arcade Fire, know where i’m getting at? I love Canadian Music, in particular, Canadian Alternative Rock music.  Now many of you will argue that it all sounds the same, and granted, some of these songs seem to leave you guessing if you pressed the repeat button more then once; but that doesn’t change the fact that Canadian Rock music…umm..Rocks!

Rah Rah is a perfect example of my love for Canadian Music. Here is their first single “Prairie Girl” from The Poet’s Dead.  Ahhh i’m feeling all patriotic!


Daft Punk – Fragments of Time Feat. Todd Edwards

Daft Punk is back!…need I say more.  The futuristic, robotic sampling, dub-steping French duo is back with their new album Random Access Memories (with a killer cover photo might I add).


Daft Punk’s first single “Get Lucky”, a funky retro composition with a killer guitar riff, their signature robotic voices and a little Pharrell Williams added to the mix, set the bar high for their sixth studio album.  But the song that stood out the most for me was “Fragments Of Time Feat. Todd Edwards”

A groovier approach to their louder, eccentric style of play.  This song caught me by surprise and I couldn’t be happier.


I also added @geobarnett version of “Get Lucky” for all y’all.  This is amazing, please check it out!

Daughter – Human


As an avid music lover, I tend to break down music to its core.  I try to find out which instruments the artists are using, the chords/melody, timing, progression, sound effects etc.  As I begin to break down “Human” from the band Daughters, the chorus starts and I had to stop, as if they told me to shut up and just listen.

Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and watch the music dance in your head. Lessoned learned.
